What Makes Wholesale LED Bulbs So Efficient?

2nd Apr 2014

One of the most popular things we sell in our online store are our wholesale LED bulbs. That's probably because people are learning about how much better LED lighting is for your energy savings and the environment. You've been hearing about how much more efficient LED bulbs are than their incandescent counterparts. What makes them so much more energy efficient? And why is that good for the environment? We're here to answer your questions about the benefits of energy efficient lighting and why that's better for the environment and your bank account. 

Incandescent bulbs are very inefficient with the energy that they use. Almost 90% of the energy they use creates heat, not light. So only 10% of the money you are paying to make the bulb work it actually lighting your home or office. The rest of it is going towards the heat those bulbs are putting off. Instead, LED lights don't produce the same amount of heat an incandescent bulb does, meaning almost all of the energy they use goes towards the light they produce. So, for the same amount of lighting, they use much less energy. 

Buying wholesale LED bulbs from us makes your lighting more efficient, too. You'll get more bulbs at a lower price, and because LEDs last up to 10 times longer, you won't have to replace them as often. Overall, that means more savings coming back to you! Less energy and less wasted resources isn't just good for the environment, it is great for your cash flow. Get started with your energy efficient lighting on our website today!